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    Corrado DI DOMENICO



    SSD: ICAR/14

    CFU: 8,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Secondo Quadrimestre


    Lingua di insegnamento



    The course is based on the idea that design practice is an instrument of interrogation and interpretation of the place (city, landscape), and that the architectural composition is at the same time, on the one hand, the technique and the art of the project and on the other, the establishment of a system of relationships. The composition organizes - as in a semantic - elements and figures belonging to the sphere of the history of architecture (cultural apparatus, tradition) and specific elements of the place (modification) in a critical process that we can say belonging to the sphere of art. Architecture as "critical modification" and composition as a "collection call" of things. We paraphrase the concept of "gathering" in Heidegger for the Project. The compositional process - or 'art' of the composition - constructs an aggregation of parts in the system and aims to demonstrate how it is possible, and at the same time fundamental, to construct a dialogue between these parts and the context in which it operates, as in a rhetorical process of metonymy and metaphor. To express the nature of this relationship we refer to the definition of Metalogo by Gregory Bateson, which seems to clarify the 'pivotal' aspect of an idea of 'organic' architecture: a speech in which the intervention of each individual participant reflects the structure of the speech itself as a whole. The parts of the project benefit from a unity of form and intent with the system that they themselves construct and with the system whose needs they interpret.

    Testi di riferimento

    H. Hertzberger, Architecture Lessons, Laterza

    Le Corbusier, Opera Complete, Birkhauser Volumes to be consulted in the Library

    Corrado Di Domenico, The Imaginary point of view, Il Melangolo, Genova 2012

    Corrado Di Domenico, World, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2017

    Corrado Di Domenico, Hermetic Architecture, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2023

    Norberg-Schulz Christian, Louis I. Kahn. Idea and image, Officina 1980

    Obiettivi formativi

    Articulation and functional complexity
    Spatial articulation
    Composite system and functional program
    Formal summary
    Complete drafting of a public building project
    Representation with various techniques


    Technical drawing by hand and cad
    use of the Architect's Handbook and the Neufert

    Metodologie didattiche

    Theoretical lectures, plastic elaborations of volumes and architectural spaces, collective corrections of the tests and individual corrections of the year project

    Metodi di valutazione

    Compositional beauty, complexity and functional clarity, formal synthesis and completeness of the works

    Altre informazioni

    Interview and complete draft of the project followed on time for each individual student

    Programma del corso

    Il corso viene impostato sull’idea che la pratica progettuale sia uno strumento di interrogazione e di interpretazione del luogo (città, paesaggio), e che la composizione architettonica sia allo stesso tempo, da un lato, la tecnica e l’arte del progetto e dall’altro la messa in sistema di relazioni. La composizione organizza –come in una semantica- elementi e figure appartenenti alla sfera della storia dell’architettura (apparato culturale, tradizione) ed elementi specifici del luogo (modificazione) in un procedimento critico che possiamo dire appartenente alla sfera dell’arte. Architettura come “modificazione critica” e Composizione come ‘chiamata a raccolta’ delle cose. Parafrasiamo il concetto di “raduno” in Heidegger per il Progetto. Il processo compositivo –o ‘arte’ della composizione-, costruisce una aggregazione in sistema delle parti e si intende dimostrare come sia possibile, e nello stesso tempo fondamentale, costruire un dialogo tra queste parti e il contesto in cui si opera, come in un processo retorico di metonimia e di metafora. Per esprimere la natura di questo rapporto ci rifacciamo alla definizione di Metalogo di Gregory Bateson, che sembra chiarire l’aspetto ‘cardine’ di un’idea di architettura ‘organica’: un discorso nel quale l’intervento di ogni singolo partecipante rispecchia la struttura del discorso stesso nel suo complesso. Le parti del progetto giovano di un’unità di forma e di intenti con il sistema che essi stessi costruiscono e con il sistema le cui esigenze interpretano. L’aderenza del luogo, dunque ‘trascritto’, con le sue specificità, così come interpretate nelle estensioni possibili delle loro stesse morfologie, rappresenta una ‘nuova carta’, o ‘diagramma astratto’, che diviene modello stesso del luogo, diremmo anche, un nuovo tipo di spazio. Un procedimento di decostruzione del testo (luogo e progetto), volta ad operare una ‘sintesi parlante’. Si intende, dunque, impostare insieme una teoria del progetto e una pratica compositiva. La prima diventa una ‘topologia’ che opera una relazione biunivoca tra contenente e contenuto e la seconda una ‘generazione della forma’ che possa essere già un contenitore di significati. Si tratta di entrare in un contesto mentale e culturale per attuare una pratica d’arte. Studio della forma a tutto tondo dell’edificio come risposta psicologica ai problemi tecnici e funzionali –si pensa ad una psicologia interna alla forma- e studio della pianta come modello compositivo e figurale. Come per Kahn, la forma non è solo ‘volume’, ma è la differenza e il rapporto tra le ‘cose’ che raggruppa, è il principio del discernimento dello spazio. Dunque la forma come eidos e non morfos.
    Si intende, allora, sviluppare nel corso delle lezioni teoriche e dello sviluppo del tema d’anno un complesso di questioni, alla luce di queste considerazioni, che mettano in luce le esigenze intrinseche del progetto di Architettura. Impostare una continuità circolare tra funzione, struttura e forma (tecnica) nella unità creativa del processo progettuale.


    Teaching language



    The course is based on the idea that design practice is an instrument of interrogation and interpretation of the place (city, landscape), and that the architectural composition is at the same time, on the one hand, the technique and the art of the project and on the other, the establishment of a system of relationships. The composition organizes - as in a semantic - elements and figures belonging to the sphere of the history of architecture (cultural apparatus, tradition) and specific elements of the place (modification) in a critical process that we can say belonging to the sphere of art. Architecture as "critical modification" and composition as a "collection call" of things. We paraphrase the concept of "gathering" in Heidegger for the Project. The compositional process - or 'art' of the composition - constructs an aggregation of parts in the system and aims to demonstrate how it is possible, and at the same time fundamental, to construct a dialogue between these parts and the context in which it operates, as in a rhetorical process of metonymy and metaphor. To express the nature of this relationship we refer to the definition of Metalogo by Gregory Bateson, which seems to clarify the 'pivotal' aspect of an idea of 'organic' architecture: a speech in which the intervention of each individual participant reflects the structure of the speech itself as a whole. The parts of the project benefit from a unity of form and intent with the system that they themselves construct and with the system whose needs they interpret.

    Textbook and course materials

    H. Hertzberger, Architecture Lessons, Laterza

    Le Corbusier, Opera Complete, Birkhauser Volumes to be consulted in the Library

    Corrado Di Domenico, The Imaginary point of view, Il Melangolo, Genova 2012

    Corrado Di Domenico, World, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2017

    Corrado Di Domenico, Hermetic Architecture, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2023

    Norberg-Schulz Christian, Louis I. Kahn. Idea and image, Officina 1980

    Course objectives

    Articulation and functional complexity
    Spatial articulation
    Composite system and functional program
    Formal summary
    Complete drafting of a public building project
    Representation with various techniques


    Technical drawing by hand and cad
    use of the Architect's Handbook and the Neufert

    Teaching methods

    Theoretical lectures, plastic elaborations of volumes and architectural spaces, collective corrections of the tests and individual corrections of the year project

    Evaluation methods

    Compositional beauty, complexity and functional clarity, formal synthesis and completeness of the works

    Other information

    Interview and complete draft of the project followed on time for each individual student

    Course Syllabus

    The course is based on the idea that design practice is an instrument of interrogation and interpretation of the place (city, landscape), and that the architectural composition is at the same time, on the one hand, the technique and the art of the project and on the other, the establishment of a system of relationships. The composition organizes - as in a semantic - elements and figures belonging to the sphere of the history of architecture (cultural apparatus, tradition) and specific elements of the place (modification) in a critical process that we can say belonging to the sphere of art. Architecture as "critical modification" and composition as a "collection call" of things. We paraphrase the concept of "gathering" in Heidegger for the Project. The compositional process - or 'art' of the composition - constructs an aggregation of parts in the system and aims to demonstrate how it is possible, and at the same time fundamental, to construct a dialogue between these parts and the context in which it operates, as in a rhetorical process of metonymy and metaphor. To express the nature of this relationship we refer to the definition of Metalogo by Gregory Bateson, which seems to clarify the 'pivotal' aspect of an idea of 'organic' architecture: a speech in which the intervention of each individual participant reflects the structure of the speech itself as a whole. The parts of the project benefit from a unity of form and intent with the system that they themselves construct and with the system whose needs they interpret. The adherence of the place, therefore 'transcribed', with its specificities, as interpreted in the possible extensions of their own morphologies, represents a 'new paper', or 'abstract diagram', which becomes the same model of the place, we would also say, a new kind of space. A process of deconstruction of the text (place and project), aimed at operating a 'speaking synthesis'. Therefore, we intend to set up a project theory and a compositional practice together. The first becomes a 'topology' that operates a bi-univocal relation between containing and content and the second a 'generation of the form' that may already be a container of meanings. It is about entering a mental and cultural context to implement an art practice. Study of the building's all-round form as a psychological response to technical and functional problems -you think of a psychology within the form- and study of the plant as a compositional and figural model. As for Kahn, the form is not only 'volume', but it is the difference and the relationship between the 'things' that it brings together, is the principle of the discernment of space. Therefore the form as eidos and not morphos.
    In the course of the theoretical lessons and the development of the theme of the year, we intend to develop a series of questions, in light of these considerations, which highlight the intrinsic needs of the architectural project. Set a circular continuity between function, structure and form (technique) in the creative unity of the design process.

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